Colon Cancer Symptom


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Intake of Meat Leads to Colon Cancer

Cancer is caused by the expose to some viruses, to chemical or natural substances or to radiation. Researchers investigations show that colon polyps or high intake of meat can cause colon cancer although there are some studies showing that high intake of meat can low the risk of colon cancer. A serious form of cancer after lung cancer is colon cancer. Many people fell certain symptoms of this kind of cancer but they don't really realize until they go to a doctor.

You may feel unexplained abdominal pain or fatigue, you may have a weight loss or weakness or you may have a unexplained anemia. These symptoms may have other causes but if you'll go to a doctor he will know what is wrong ii he orders you a x-rays test.

Many studies show that people between 50 and 74 years old that intake meat are for a higher risk of colon cancer than those who intake vitamins or eat little meat. There is a connection between colon cancer and meat. It has been found in laboratories that read meat contains a blood pigment called heme iron that causes colon cancer tumors.

There are researches showing that fiber intake can protect against colon cancer. Other way to prevent colon cancer is that you can eat a low-fat diet with fruits and vegetables, intake of vitamin D, Calcium, vitamin E or you can have physical activity to reduce the risk of having colon cancer.

To avoid colon cancer you should check your lower bowel with fiber optic scope even if you don't have the symptoms of a colon cancer and you should take this test earlier than 50 years old.

It has been discovered that two natural compounds in onions and curry can low the risk of colon cancer. These two compound are called quercetine and curcumin. If a person with colon cancer eat curry or onions, the number of polyps can drop by 60 percent and this way you can reduce the risk of having colon cancer.

In most cases of colon cancer it is important to know the stage of the disease so you know how to choose your treatment. If you can't low the risk of having colon cancer by diets or intake of vitamins and finally you get a tumor, the only way to remove it is by surgery. Surgery presumes removing the part of colon that contains the tumor and reconnect healthy segments if it is possible.

For greater resources on colon cancer or especially about metastatic colon cancer please visit this link

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Constipation Creates Colon Cancer

In 1911 Dr. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize for growing live tissue cells. He discovered that removing their digestive wastes every day, these cells could live indefinitely. When he did not remove their wastes for three days they become weak and unhealthy.

This simple experiment showed that whatever waste we create whether it’s in our lymph liquid, our blood, or in the colon, it must be removed daily if we are to have excellent health.

Looking at colon waste, we should be having a bowel movement every day for every meal we eat. Most of us have only one or none each day. Many doctors say it’s ok if you only have one bowel movement every two days. Yes, it’s ok if you want to create colon cancer.

Studies have shown that if you have a bowel movement every 3 – 4 days, you are more at risk for having a heart attack, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, IBS, and many other illnesses.

As in 1911, Dr. Alexis showed cells become weak and die if they remain in their own metabolic waste for over three days or longer. This is exactly the condition called constipation.

Fecal matter that remains stagnant in the colon gives rise to bacteria that create colon wall irritations and inflammation. This then can lead to colon cancer.

And another thing, if you continue to have constipation, then this bacteria and toxic waste tend to slip into the small intestine where they can then get into your blood stream. There, this toxic matter goes all over the body creating damage and excess inflammation.

Here’s how to make sure your fecal matter does not become stagnant in your colon and produces colon cancer.

Just by increasing the amount of fiber you eat daily by 3 / 4 ounce, you can dramatically change your risk of getting colon cancer and many other colon diseases. If you are like most people, you eat only 1 / 4 ounce of fiber. In terms of grams, you are likely eating 8 grams. Raise the amount of fiber you eat by 20 grams to 28 grams and reduce your likelihood of getting colon cancer.

Here’s what fiber does in your colon:

* Increase the size of your stools

* Feeds your good bacteria and keeps them healthy and plentiful

* Traps carcinogens so they don’t collect on your colon wall

* Reduces the amount of bile salts that are changed to carcinogens by bad bacteria

* Keeps you pH slightly acidic and in favor of good bacteria

* Reduces stagnation of fecal matter in colon – reduces constipation

• Traps water so stools are not hard

Here’s how fiber works. By keeping your stools large, they move quicker in your colon and don’t allow carcinogens to stay in contact with your colon wall for very long.

Large fiber stools brush along the colon walls keeping them clean and causing the nerves to activate peristaltic action.

Fiber provides food for the good bacteria and makes them stronger than the bad bacterial. This limits the carcinogen producing activities of the bad bacteria. When the good bacteria exceed the bad bacteria, the colon pH is slightly acidic and this makes your colon work better - less constipation and more nerve sensitivity

When your stools have more water, they are softer and move easily through the colon. Hard stools are hard to move through the colon. Since the colon sucks water out of the stool to recirculate it into the blood, less toxic material is pull out of a fecal bulk if it has plenty of water.

Add 3 / 4 ounce of fiber to your daily diet and avoid the misery and devastation that colon cancer brings to you and your family.

Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist. To get more tips and discover more ideas on how to prevent getting colon cancer, go to:

To discover how to eliminate constipation go to:

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Colon Cancer - Is It Lurking Inside You?

Are you suffering from persistent constipation or diarrhea? Have you noticed a tinge of blood in your stool lately? Are you always tired and feeling fatigued? Are you experiencing weight loss, but have not been dieting or engaging in exercise routine? These and many other symptoms should necessitate a visit to a doctor.

Colon cancer is regarded as the second leading cause of most cancer deaths in the United States. Colon cancer is a long-standing disease, which starts as a polyp or a small non-cancerous growth. This small non-cancerous growth will slowly transforms itself into a malignant tumor over a period of 5 to 10 years. People in their thirties and forties are most often predisposed to colon cancer, amounting to about one-quarter of all colon cancer patients.

Colon cancer doesn't show any visible symptoms during the early stages. During the later stages however, a person suffering with colon cancer may exhibit any or all of the following symptoms:

1. Diarrhea or constipation that persists for a long time.

2. Unusual abdominal gas, or cramping.

3. Episodes of physical fatigue without known reasons.

4. Apparent loss weight and appetite.

5. Stools that are narrow, almost the diameter of a pencil.

6. Bloody stools.

7. There is pain and tenderness felt in the lower abdomen.

8. Changes in fecal diameter, color and frequency of movement lasting more than two weeks.

Although colon cancer claims to be second among the causes of cancer deaths, the frequency rate can be lowered if only its detection is done early. The polyps and early stage cancer that are discovered before any symptoms are produced most often offer a cure rate as high as 100 percent.

Your doctor should annually test your stool for hidden blood. A procedure called sigmoidoscopy can also be done to diagnose colon cancer. Sigmoidoscopy utilizes a flexible lighted tube with a camera that sits on its tip. This instrument is then inserted into the lower third of the colon. Observations reveal that almost half of all cancers in this area are found in the lower third portion of the colon. Another procedure called colonoscopy is done to check for growths throughout the entire length of the large intestine. An x-ray can also be an alternative diagnostic procedure. A barium enema is given to a patient. An opaque liquid fills the colon, which then becomes visible on X-ray film.

Colon cancer treatments may include chemotherapy and surgery. Those suffering from the advanced form of colon cancer may require chemotherapy. If surgery is the form of treatment, your surgeon will usually remove any polyps found during colonoscopy. If the detection of the tumor is done early, part of the colon affected with the tumor is removed surgically, the colon is restored back to its normal function, and complete healing is expected. However, if the cancer has already reached a wide area including the colon wall, lymph and blood vessels, chemotherapy is thus required. If the cancer involves a large tumor, temporary or permanent colostomy may be required. Re-routing the colon through an opening in the abdomen does this. The wastes pass through the opening and into a pouch outside the patient's body.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Colon Cancer

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Monday, March 9, 2009

How to Prevent Colon Cancer Disease

There are many cases of colon cancer today, with significantly more people being diagnosed with this potentially deadly disease below age 50 than previously. Colon cancer used to be considered a disease of the elderly, but nowadays many younger people are diagnosed with this kind of disease. This is more because of unhealthy lifestyles such as eating habits, lack of exercises and many other factors.

People tend to consume junk food and any other foods that are over-processed and contain high fat and sugar. This allows the chemically-laced food to sit in colon for longer time and lead to the cancer disease.

Several ways to keep your colon healthy:

1. Balancing your diet

A balance diet will supply your body with sufficient nutrition: balance in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. It will be better to get all these nutritions naturally by consuming healthy foods such as: fresh vegetables and beans, fish, fruits, seafood and milk. Taking daily supplements also will help.

2. Reduce over-processed foods

Reduce intake of over-processed foods, especially fried foods because these foods contain of high fat that is dangerous to health. You can also choose organic foods that are higher in nutrition. Avoid sausage, hot dogs, ham, and many of which contain salt, sodium nitrites and sodium nitrates, which play big role in leading to colon cancer.

3. Exercise regularly

Do exercise at least 3 times a week is adequate to maintain your stamina and health. If you have any disease, it would be wise to consult with your doctor what exercise suits your current condition.

4. Drink eight glasses of water daily

Adequate water is essential to your body and will help to clean your system by gently washing out offensive bacteria and germs that can harbor in the colon and lead to illness or problems.

5. Colon cleansing

Colon cleansing method has been so popular as an option to keep your colon healthy. Consult with your doctor if you wish to take this method.

6. Visit your doctor and have an annual medical check-up to prevent diseases.

J. Raizel is the owner of Beauty, Health and Fitness blog and Beauty, Health and Fitness eStore. You will find updated news, information, tips and articles about health, beauty and fitness and related products.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Different Approaches to Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon cancer is a disease that affects the large intestine, an organ that absorbs the nutrients from the food, and stores and eliminates the fecal material. The large intestine has two parts, the colon and the rectum. Colon cancer occurs when tumors appear inside the colon and rectum. These tumors can be malignant, in which case they do not present any danger and they can be removed by a simple surgery, and beningn. Beningn tumors are cancerous tumors that can spread and cause life-threatening complications. If you have been diagnosed with a beningn colon tumor you must begin the colon cancer treatment as soon as possible because if the illness is left untreated it can spread to other organs such as the liver and the lungs.

There are three methods of treating colon cancer - by surgery, radiation therapy and by chemotherapy.

Colon cancer surgery is the most widely-used method of treating the disease. In colon cancer surgery, the part of the colon that has the tumor and the infected tissue on it is removed, and then the remaining parts of the colon are sewn back. Lately, colon cancer surgeries are done with the help of an instrument called laparoscope, which enables the doctors operate through a very small abdominal incision, leaving only a small scar behind.

Radiation therapy is a treatment that involves the use of high energy rays that can kill the cancer cells. The advantage of this method is that it can also kill the cancerous cells that have spread and were not detected yet. Radiation therapy is required when the cancer has spread to another organ and the surgery can not remove it form there. The bad part of radiation therapy is that it has side effects that include diarrhea, tiredness or bladder irritation.

Chemotherapy uses special anti cancerous drugs that are injected into the patient's blood and spread through the whole body, killing all the cancerous cells. This kind of therapy is used when the cancer has spread to many places and surgery or radiation therapy can't cover such large areas. Unfortunately chemotherapy has the worst side effects. The most common are loss of hair, loss of appetite, fatigue, easy bruising and bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea.

The method used and the survival rate depend on what stage has colon cancer advance to when the treatment begins. In the first stage the survival rate exceeds 90%, in the second stage 70%, in the third 60%, and in the fourth is goes down to somewhere around 8%. That is why it's important to pay attention at the symptoms and start the treatment as soon as you can.

For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link You can also find valuable information about colon cancer diet or even about stage3 colon cancer

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