Colon Cancer Symptom


Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Look at Colon Cancer Prevention

Since colorectal cancer, a cancer of the colon or rectum, is a major cause of death in the United States, many people wonder if there are actions they can do to help prevent this disease. The most important step to remember about the prevention of colon cancer is awareness. The easiest way to treat it is to nip it in the bud and take care of it before it happens.

So here is a quick quiz to help you get a better understanding about some of the more common questions many people have concerning colon cancer:

The most effective tool for colon cancer prevention is a regular screening.

Correct answer: True

Adjusting your diet and making other lifestyle changes will help reduce your risk of colon cancer, but the most successful way to prevent colon cancer is to be screened regularly. Most people begin regular screening at age 50, but people with a family history of colon cancer or other risk factors may need to begin screening at an earlier age.

People who smoke only have to worry about lung cancer, not colon cancer.

Correct answer: False

A number of cancers, including colon cancer, have been linked to cigarette smoke. It's commonly known that cigarette smoke can cause lung cancer, but many people don't realize sometimes the cancer-causing substances in smoke are swallowed, putting them at risk of cancers in the digestive tract.

Since vitamin D might play a role in colon cancer prevention, it's a good idea to spend a lot of time in the sun.

Correct answer: False

Although some studies suggest that vitamin D, produced by your body in response to sunlight, may help in colon cancer prevention, too much sun puts you at risk for skin cancer. You should spend small amounts of time soaking up the sun, then covering up with long sleeves or sun-block if you plan to spend any more time outdoors. Daily multivitamins and more low-fat dairy products can also be sources of Vitamin D.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of colon cancer.

Correct answer: True

It isn't clear just how fruits and vegetables reduce your risk of colon cancer, but research shows they work. Fruits and vegetables provide lots of healthy vitamins and minerals that may play a role in colon cancer prevention, including antioxidants, folic acid and fiber.

A diet low in fat may reduce your risk of colon cancer.

Correct answer: True

A diet low in fat, particularly low in animal fat, reduces your risk of colon cancer. Reduce the amount of meat by choosing most of your food from plant sources.

Since colon cancer is most common in people older than 50, younger people don't need to worry about colon cancer prevention until they're older.

Correct answer: False

Making healthy lifestyle choices at any age will significantly reduce the chance of developing life-threatening diseases later. It's never too soon or too late to take the appropriate steps to improve your health.

You have to worry about colon cancer only if someone in your family has had it.

Correct answer: False

Only a small percentage of colon cancers are caused by known genetic disorders. The majority of colon cancers have no known connection to your family history. Colon cancer can happen to anyone at anytime of their life.

Unless you're experiencing signs and symptoms, you don't need to be screened for colon cancer. Correct answer: False

You usually don't experience any signs or symptoms until colon cancer is quite advanced. Screening gives your doctor a chance to remove precancerous growths (polyps) before they can become colon cancer. Colon cancer screening can also find cancer in its early stages, when it's more likely to be cured.

Seek the opinion of your doctor if you feel as though you might have any other questions concerning colon cancer. Only a doctor can provide you with advice on what is safe and most effective for you. If you continue to suffer from prolonged symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor. It might be a sign of something more serious.

For further information on keeping your colon healthy, visit the experts at Dual Action Cleanse. Dual Action Cleanse’s all-natural herbal ultimate colon cleanse formula has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. Dual Action Cleanse is a two-part system and is formulated to maximize one's elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.

Bill recently graduated from College Misericordia with a degree in Communications and also a degree in Journalism. He has been writing articles concerning health related issues for the past two years. Currently, he has been writing stories concerning the benefits of the ultimate colon cleanse , Dual Action Cleanse .

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